There’s a madness to the method… or is that a method to the madness? Either way we combine both to engage clients, think big and deliver the goods. That method involves empathy—we listen to you in order to develop a brand strategy and creative deliverables that work across all technologies and channels. We leap into research, content and analytics so that your business can mount any business obstacle.
So get ready for some alliteration to help make our approach sticky.
A time to understand wants, needs and who you are
We sit down and take a lot of notes. Possibly make some doodles. And probably ask a lot of silly questions... trust us, they’re not that silly.
A time to gather all we learned into a nifty brief
We take all we gathered and squeeze it like tinfoil into a tiny ball. We bat that ball around until our cat-like reflexes can transform all of those ideas, notes and hopes into a clear plan.
A time to regroup with you before charging forward
Before we start our creative engines, we want to be certain that the brief fits you. So we share the plan and refine it. Then we start zooming.
Design & Develop
A time for Sarah & Sean to create
This is when we sit down and do our thing. During design, we come up with all the pretty stuff you can’t wait to see. Once the design work is approved by you, the general nerdiness can commence, blasting anything that requires the binary touch.
A time to see, approve, refine & launch
Every step of the way allows for review and revisions, but now is go-time. We seek final approval and then launch. Commence countdown...
A time to measure, analyze and revisit
After it’s all said and done, we celebrate! More so, our work continues behind the scenes. We routinely check usability and analytics and put it all together for you in a semi-cool report. We also gather feedback to better understand how we can work with you on our future projects... because you can never have enough Kudu.
- Design—logos, ads, collateral or stationery, we make it all to make you look good.
- Social Media—all platforms are now places where your customer service and brand identity stand out. We can manage those channels.
- SEO—you want to be the top of the food chain when your customers search for services. We feed that need.
- Development—code is our middle name. We write it like <b> boldly </b>.
- Brand Development—let us help your brand become a personality that others want to meet.
- Marketing Strategy—we can help develop the positioning platform so you are top of mind.
- Quality Assurance—first impressions count. We dot our t’s and cross our i’s to ensure that your first impression resonates.
- Inappropriate remarks at just the right time—if you really need to hear an example, just ask.