Easton Area
Joint Sewer Authority
A Clean Treatment
The Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority (EAJSA) rebrand focuses on the water processes as well as the collaborative nature of the Authority. The current incorporating members of the Authority are the City of Easton, the Townships of Forks and Palmer, the Boroughs of Tatamy, West Easton and Wilson, all located in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Originated in 1976. Rebranded in 2021.
Logo Design
We focused on a simple, clean and collaborative design that spoke to the services they provide and the groups that make up EAJSA.

Business Cards
Continuity counts with a strong brand. We carried & cropped and the wave over to the business card design. Every touch point should have immediate recognition.

With a fresh brand in place, the opportunity to apply it out in the wild is what we look forward to. Way-finding signage continues to help people find your business as well as build recognition.