Easton Housing Authority
Brand Refresh
Easton Housing Authority (EHA) was in the process of a website redesign and needed to update their brand identity. Collaborating with Kudu we helped envision their new brand identity and had some fun in the process! The goal was to incorporate an abbreviated EHA version as well as the full name of the agency into the logo. Kudu designed a clean, sans serif typeface with high contrast dark blue and a little home within the negative space of the “H”. We had the opportunity to work with a local fabrication company, Five Rivers Fabrication for beautiful boardroom signage!
The Easton Housing Authority provides stable, quality, and affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income families throughout the local community. Through the provision of public housing apartments and the management of Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, the Easton Housing Authority serves more than 562 low-income families and individuals, while supporting healthy communities. For more information about the Fair Housing Act and your rights, go to Fair Housing Act.
